Dental Cavitation Surgery & Treatment
in McKinney, TX

A dental cavitation is a hole or hollow space in the jawbone, often caused by improper healing after a tooth extraction. When the bone doesn’t fill in properly, bacteria and toxins can accumulate, leading to hidden infections. Cavitations are most commonly found in areas where wisdom teeth were removed. Unlike cavities, which affect the tooth, cavitations impact the bone and can go unnoticed without specialized diagnostic tools such as 3D cone beam imaging.

Our team at McKinney Dental Wellness offers advanced treatment options, including cavitation surgery, and we would be glad to assist you. Contact us today!

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man with mouth

What are the symptoms of a cavitation?

Symptoms of a dental cavitation can vary, but common signs include chronic jaw pain, unexplained facial discomfort, swelling, or sensitivity at the site of a past extraction. Some patients may experience headaches, fatigue, or neurological symptoms if bacteria from the cavitation spreads. However, cavitations are often asymptomatic, making them difficult to diagnose without imaging. If left untreated, they can contribute to ongoing inflammation and systemic health concerns.

woman smiling

How do dental cavitations affect overall health?

Dental cavitations can harbor bacteria and toxins, leading to chronic inflammation. This low-grade infection may contribute to systemic health issues, including fatigue, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, and joint pain. Some experts believe that cavitations can also weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to other infections. Because the symptoms can be vague, patients may not realize their dental health is impacting their overall well-being until the cavitation is diagnosed and treated.

dentist working on patient

What’s involved in cavitation surgery?

Cavitation surgery involves removing infected or necrotic tissue from the affected area to promote proper healing. The procedure is typically performed using local anesthesia and may involve ultrasonic instruments or lasers to clean the site thoroughly. The area is then disinfected, sometimes with ozone therapy or biocompatible materials, to encourage bone regeneration. In some cases, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) or bone grafting is used to stimulate healing. Post-surgical care includes proper oral hygiene and follow-up visits to ensure recovery.

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